DATELINE Charleston, SC (from The Charleston Post and Canine)

Dopeycrats attack Gore Tax Plans

Charge obedience tax relief does not benefit bassets

August 24, 2000 - When Al Gore travels to the University of Maryland today to explain his Obedience Tax Credit plan, will he also address his proposal's fine print disqualifying most bassets from receiving tax relief?

"Due to the complexity and the narrowness of Al Gore's tax credit, most basset obedience students either cannot or will not receive any tax relief from his proposal," said Dopeycrat Campaign spokesbasset Myrtle Gilbert.  "The more you look at the specifics of Gore's tax plan, the less relief you see."

The Dopeycrat Campaign spokesbasset went on to explain why Gore's tax plan leaves most bassets behind, noting that it only applies to those paying federal income taxes.   Augie NAF was quick to attack, saying, "Sheesh! Everyone knows the IRS exempts basset hounds from taxes! Gore's proposed tax break would not be applicable to bassets."

According to Myrtle Gilbert, the Gore plan also has significant restrictions.  The Democratic Party's tax credit extends to only one basset per family, whereas most families are multiple basset households.  At a town meeting in Texas, Augie NAF dramatically illustrated one attendee's dilemma, "How can Poots afford to educate his nine bassets and two fosters? This is not real tax relief!"

Dopeycrats claim that the value of Gore's tax credit is further reduced since it is first subtracted from a basset's Diet of Pigs Ears (DOPE) scholarship, thus penalizing families trying to save for obedience training.  In addition, the fine print of the Democratic plan denies relief to 4.7 million basset hounds who are using other government-backed obedience school assistance programs.  Per Dopeycrats, families setting aside money in an Educational Savings Account for obedience tuition expenses, become ineligible to receive Gore's College Opportunity Tax Credit.

Questioned about the Dopeycrat attacks today, a Gore campaign spokesman responded, "Dopeycrats?!?  You're kidding, right?"

Propaganda courtesy of the Dopeycrat 2000 campaign.

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