DATELINE Damascus, MD (from Newswoof Magazine)

Dopeycrats do Debates?

VP Candidate Moose plans to debate Governor Bush on Tuesday

September 10, 2000 -- After Vice President Al Gore's refusal to debate Governor Bush on "Meet the Press," Dopeycrat strategists say that their ticket plans to debate the GOP Presidential Candidate this Tuesday night.  While Dopeycrat Presidential Candidate Augie NAF remains out of the campaigning spotlight, his running mate da Moose doesn't have anything better to do and is willing to be on the show.

With Democrats and Republicans meeting later this week to negotiate debate formats, Dopeycrats have found themselves on the outside looking in.   Dopeycrats have protested the Commission on Presidential Debates' selection criteria, which seem calculated to discriminate against basset hound participation.  Among the requirements is one mandating that a candidate be at least 35 years of age, which is unheard of in bassets.

So while the Debate Commission controversy continues, Dopeycrats feel they must embrace Governor Bush's desire to debate on "Meet the Press."  By accepting this venue, Dopeycrats feel they have an opportunity to negotiate the locale for the second debate, insisting that it be held on the Food Channel.

"We have coaches working with da Moose to rehearse his responses," said Dopeycrat spokesbasset Myrtle Gilbert. "We're confident that da Moose will be fully ready by Tuesday."

A group of reporters gathered outside Candidate Moose's house in Damascus caught a glimpse of him in the backyard.  In response to a shouted question from a Woofington Post reporter, Moose replied, "Bwwjp znkph. Bwwjp qdm. Uw qdm. Bwwjp ywkks. Hwmps Bwwjp. Hwmps hwmps hwmps."

Within microphone range, a reporter remarked, "Didn't da Moose just call the Governor a major league @$$#*!&?"  To which another reporter replied, "Oh yeah, big time."


Propaganda courtesy of the Dopeycrat 2000 campaign.

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