DATELINE Boston, MA (from The Basset Globe)

Augie NAF No Show

Dopeycrat candidate conspicuously missing from first presidential debate

Dopey DiasOctober 3, 2000 -- To everyone's surprise, Dopeycrat Presidential candidate Augie Not-A-Foster did not appear at tonight's presidential debates.  Political observers are wondering if it reflects a lack of party commitment to the campaign process.  Dopeycrat spokesbasset Myrtle Gilbert dismissed reporters' questions with an abrupt, "No comment."  Party supporters were disappointed, because they felt that after weeks of intensive preparation, their candidate had been ready to rumble.

On the other hand, Dopeycrat Candidate Moose has reaffirmed his commitment to appear at the VP debates on Thursday, despite party insiders' pleas to desist.  Unlike his running mate, da Moose has had no interest in preparing for the debates.  His aides have abandoned all hope for a respectable showing and privately state that they are facing a debate debacle.


Propaganda courtesy of the Dopeycrat 2000 campaign.

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