DATELINE New York, NY (from The New Bark Times)

Dopeycrat Values are Important

Barney Berthelot holds forth on Today Show

October 14, 2000 -- The Barnilator on TodayMost Dopeycrat supporters are celebrating the impact that VP Candidate Moose's recent appearance has had on the national presidential campaign.  However within the ranks of the party faithful, there are a small number of dissenters who dream of the days when Presidential Candidate Augie Not-A-Foster spoke out on the issues instead.

Making a return appearance on the Today Show Saturday, Barney Berthelot (shown on the set at right) spoke eloquently of the need to re-emphasize Dopeycrat values.  Contemplatively licking at his feet, Berthelot acknowledged the success of da Moose's chip clip ploy, but bemoaned the use of such gimmickry in the Dopeycrat campaign.   When Warren Eckstein posed another question, the presumptive AmBASSETor to the Canary Islands jumped down and wandered off the set, leaving Eckstein to interview an empty chair for the remaining two minutes of the segment.

Probably just as well, come to think of it.  With ticket leader Augie Not-A-Foster distracted from the campaign, and the succession of allegations against VP Candidate Moose, Dopeycrat values are hardly the party's strong suit.


Propaganda courtesy of the Dopeycrat 2000 campaign.

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