DATELINE New York (from The New Bark Times)

Anti-Dopeycrat Ad Makes Headlines

Campaign turns negative, but who is behind it?

Which is which?October 21, 2000 -- As the campaign moves into the final weeks, the tone is becoming more negative.  Dopeycrat supporters were outraged when an attack ad appeared in several national publications this week, including Newswoof Magazine and US Paws and Woof Report

It's unclear exactly who financed the ad.  The fine print merely states that it was paid for by "voters opposed to Dopeycrats."   Given the widespread indifference to the Dopeycrat campaign, it's difficult to imagine why anyone would have wasted so much money.

Dopeycrat Spokesbasset Myrtle Gilbert is nuts and didn't return our calls.  Not that we really tried.


Propaganda courtesy of the Dopeycrat 2000 campaign.

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