DATELINE Memphis, TN (from The Memphis Daily Ahrooos)

Memphis Pig on the Offensive

Dopeycrat volunteer's real identity revealed

October 26, 2000 -- Today Dopeycrat presidential hopeful Augie NotAFoster stopped briefly in Memphis to campaign in Al Gore's home state.  As he stepped from the plane, NotAFoster spotted a crowd of high ranking Republican party members gathered around another basset. They appeared to be providing the basset with milkbones, pig ears, and belly rubs as inducements to defect from the Dopeycrat party.

wpe2.jpg (12539 bytes)Upon seeing NotAFoster, the pols quickly jumped into their limos.  As they sped away, NotAFoster observed a most curious sight.  The "basset" rolled over on the ground, wiggled, unzipped his fur, and out came a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig! A quick thinking reporter snapped this photo (at left) of the pig alongside its discarded basset suit.  Muttering, "Suit awful hot, but money help get more STUFF", the pig foraged for a moment or two before waddling off into the bushes.  He did not reappear. 

The Dopeycrat Presidential Committee followed up with federal law enforcement authorities and the Federal Election Commission, none of whom are the least bit interested.

Contacted today by The Memphis Daily Ahrooos, local Dopeycrat Campaign Chairbasset Andy Hardy-B Jackson was obviously surprised at the airport incident.   When he was informed that the basset caught on film soliciting bribes was none other than his own aide, Jackson seemed nonplussed at first, then shrugged as though this was commonplace in Memphis politics.  He refused to comment on the apparent charade.

However he did go on to declare that if successful in his Dopeycrat bid to the Department of Just Is, he intends to drool over any initiatives for Campaign Finance Reform coming from Just Is.  Andy further stated that if such initiatives were still legible after being drooled on by his staff, he would personally "thoroughly chew on the matter and bury it."

Or wallow in the mud with it perhaps?  Almost certainly that will be next.


Propaganda courtesy of the Dopeycrat 2000 campaign.

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