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We at Dopey Dog Artworks are proud of our custom artwork. Whether it is for yourself or for a special person in your life, a custom dopey art masterpiece is a keepsake for a lifetime.

Garcia as Henry VIII
(submitted photo and completed work)

Cyrus as Laughing Cavalier
(finished artwork, double matted)

Our artwork is printed on heavyweight canvas so that it looks and feels like a real masterpiece. Seeing it in person, many people can't believe our Dopey Art is not painted! Your custom artwork is then dry mounted on linen-like hardboard backing with white and gold double matting so that it is ready for a standard 16"X20" frame. Order custom artwork now.

We have a lot of dopey artworks in our gallery, or if you have another masterpiece that you think might work, email us about it. Assuming we can find a high resolution version of the artwork and that there are no copyright issues, we'll be glad to consider other works. We also have personalized gift certificates so you can give a customized dopey artwork to that special pet owner in your life and allow them to decide on the artwork.

The process of getting a custom masterpiece is pretty simple. After you've picked out an artwork, then you need to get high resolution photos of your pet(s) in approximately the same head position as the subject of your selected piece. All work is done on the computer, so the head shot must be a close match (or a mirror image of it) to assure that the final product looks right. We accept emailed photos or send them to us and we'll return them to you.

Each masterpiece is custom done, and great care is taken to ensure that the work looks right. We email updates all during the process to assure satisfaction with the final product. In fact, we're so confident you'll love it that we guarantee our work. If you're not happy with the end result, just return it to us and we'll refund your money.

Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for completion of your dopey art masterpiece. Order now.

all work copyrighted by Dopey Dog Artworks